Since so much is at stake, many Long-Term Care companies are frustrated by their internal hiring efforts. That’s why they turn to outside companies like MRSI. Our database of over one-million candidates helps us to quickly fill your positions with the perfect candidate.
For facilities, which prefer the convenience of upfront pricing, we offer retained services. This package offers a higher allocation of resources. This model works extremely well for executive and C-level positions.
The right candidate for your nursing or executive position is out there, but many people do not know where to begin. For LTC facilities which prefer to handle HR internally, MRSI offers long-term care research services. We provide a list of names, and you make the decisions.
Due to physical expansions, many of our partners have an immediate need for a large number of employees. At MRSI, we have the resources to locate qualified and available candidates. Then, we quickly set up live interviews, so you can choose the best candidates for your growing company.
At MRSI, we know what it takes to build a top-shelf staffing organization. We can partner with you to design a customized staffing infrastructure. Imagine finding quality candidates, conducting quality interviews, and getting better results. We can make it happen.
MRSI’s vendor managed services is the turnkey approach to your HR needs. In addition to the best possible candidates, we become the single point of contact in this area. We even partner with your other vendors to deliver top-quality services.
Since so much is at stake, many Long Term Care companies are frustrated by their internal hiring efforts. That’s why they turn to outside companies like ours. Our database of over one-million candidates helps us to fill your positions with the perfect candidate quickly.
For facilities which prefer the convenience of upfront pricing, we offer retained services. This package also means a higher allocation of resources. This model works particularly well for C-level and other executive positions.
The right candidate for your nursing or executive position is out there, but many people do not know where to start. For LTCs which prefer to handle HR internally, MRSI offers long term care research services. We provide a list of names, and you make the decisions.
Usually due to physical expansions, many of our partners have immediate need for a large number of employees. We have the resources to locate a number of qualified and available candidates. Then, we quickly set up live interviews, so you can choose the best candidates for your company.
At MRSI, we know what it takes to build a top-shelf staffing organization. We can partner with you to design a customized staffing infrastructure. Imagine finding quality candidates, conducting quality interviews, and getting better results. We can make it happen.
MRSI’s vendor managed services is the turnkey approach to your HR needs. In addition to the best possible candidates, we become the single point of contact in this area. We even partner with your other vendors to deliver top-quality services.
Skilled nurses provide rehabilitation and long-term care. We work exclusively with long-term care facilities, where we have connections that create opportunities for you. Moreover, because of our experience, we know the kinds of professionals these facilities want. Let us help you find your next position.
Nurses who give nontraditional care are in great demand. People are living longer and remaining more independent. Home health nurses help their patients remain independent and stay in their own homes. That’s very rewarding for many people. Hospice nurses assist with a wide range of end-of-life issues. At MRSI, we can connect you with your next opportunity to make a difference with someone who needs your help.
Do you desire to have an impact in a company that serves residents 55 and older in assisted living communities or continuing care retirement communities? If you have experience in this area and are looking for a new challenge, MRSI can help.
Acute care nurses provide more intense short-term care that many facilities often need. These nurses have an exceptional opportunity to leverage their professional skills, and also connect with residents on a personal level. If you’re looking for a change in your career, let us help.
Skilled nurses provide rehabilitative as well as long term care. We work exclusively with long term care facilities, so we have connections that create opportunities for you. Moreover, because of our experience, we know the kinds of workers these facilities want. Let us help you find your next position.
Nurses who give nontraditional care are in great demand. People are living longer and remaining more independent. Home health nurses help their patients remain independent and stay in their own homes. That’s very rewarding for many people. Hospice nurses assist with a wide range of end-of-life issues. Make a difference with someone who needs your help.
Have an impact in a company that serves residents 55 and older in assisted living communities or continuing care retirement communities. If you have experience in this area and are looking for a new challenge, MRSI can help.
Acute care nurses provide intense bursts of short-term care that many facilities often need. These nurses have an exceptional opportunity to leverage their professional skills and also connect with residents on a personal level. If you’re looking for a change in your career, let us help.
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Management Resource Solutions, Inc.
299 W. Hillcrest Dr. Suite 114 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 805.557.0605
Toll Free: 877.305.8218
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